Our values
Defending with VALOR
At Coontz Law, we have a set of five core values that are at the center of all our choices and actions. We live, act, and defend with VALOR: Veritas, Audacity, Liberty, Ownership, and Results.
Each of our values comes with four precepts that give us a little extra guidance when we’re not sure what it means to live up to our lofty ideals.
Instead of giving you a dressed up version of our values and precepts for the website, we’ll just tell you what Dustyn preaches to the Hive:
Veritas is Latin for truth. We believe truth sets free, and we re in the business of setting folks free. Truth crushed to the earth will rise again. We are militantly committed to the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. Especially then.
I like how the scholars at Oxford put it: “a willingness to take bold risks.” I also like how the rival Cambridge scholars put it: “courage or confidence of a kind that other people find shocking or rude.” Be bold. Take risks. Make mistakes. Don’t be bombastic or uncivil, but do the things that put prosecutors and courts and even other defense attorneys on their heels. If there’s one value that truly sets us apart from the rest of the legal industry, which is so exasperatingly risk-averse, it’s our commitment to Audacity.
It’s what the United States of America is (purportedly) built on. It’s what Coontz Law is (definitely) built on. We believe in freedom for our clients, our society, and ourselves. But Liberty is not freedom from all constraints. Quite the contrary: it is only through sacrifice and discipline that we can achieve true Liberty.
Do your job, and do it right. And when you don’t do your job or don’t do it right, then own up to that.
We need to get the job done, period. To get the job done, you have to put in work. That’s a nonnegotiable, table-stakes requirement. But getting great results also requires tension between the creative and the systematic, the quantitative and the qualitative, the left brain and the right brain, the yin and the yang.
Tell the truth to yourself
Tell the truth to the team
Tell the truth to clients
Speak truth to power
Make decisions
Act on those decisions
Make magic, not bureaucracy
Don't take a single 'no' for an answer
Do your job—whenever, wherever, however...ish.
Don't be a slave to yourself
Don't say 'yes' when the answer should be 'no'
Don't sacrifice others' Liberty for your own
Obsess over the client experience
Get answers and solve problems
Be proactive, not reactive
Acknowledge, fix, and learn from your mistakes
Build systems around what works, and...
...go off script when needed
Be maniacal about waste, but...
...invest in the awe-inspiring
Stand for something...
…or you’ll fall for anything. That’s the old saying, and it’s true. We stand on our values of VALOR because we don’t want to take the easy way out for our clients. Will you stand with us?