We do re-dos

Time for a second chance?

The criminal-legal system is broken, merciless, and unjust. Still, we can help you use that system and OVERCOME its flaws. Is it time?

What do we do? We do re-dos. We break chains and make change. We get new leases on life. We clean slates. We fight like hell. We do second chances.

We OVERCOME and help our clients OVERCOME.

Specifically, we have two broad areas we focus on: criminal appeals and collateral consequences.

Criminal appeals is an idea you might already understand: the trial court doesn’t have the final say. We have other, higher courts to make sure justice happens in our trial courts.

Collateral consequences are something a bit more unusual to most people. There are the real-world consequences of having a criminal history, like not being able to land a dream job (or any job). So we do expungements and pardons. Having multiple drunk-driving convictions has extreme consequences, so we do driver’s license restoration. Having a single felony deprives people of their right to keep and bear arms, so we do gun-rights restorations. And a conviction of a sex offense has sometimes lifelong consequences, so we do sex offender registration removal.


Criminal Appeals

Michigan Criminal Appeals

If you’ve recently been convicted, we’ll take your case to the Michigan Court of Appeals. If things didn’t go well there, we’ll (try) to take your case to the Michigan Supreme Court. Still no luck? It’s not beyond us to try toake a case to the US Supreme Court.

Federal Criminal Appeals

Federal conviction? We’ll appeal that. You’re in what state? Doesn’t matter, we’ll take your case up to whatever federal circuit court of appeals it needs to go to. And beyond that, we’ll go to the Supreme Court. Whatever it takes to make things right.

Habeas Corpus

Exhausted all options in the state courts?  And the US Supreme Court wouldn’t take the case? Well, it might still not be over. We can ask a federal court to intercede and take a fresh look at your case.

Postconviction 6500 Motions

Even after it’s too late, it’s not too late. If there’s new evidence in your case or new law that’s helpful to you, we might be able to reopen your case and get your conviction tossed after all these years.

Second Chances


The good news? It’s a lot easier to get rid of those old convictions than it used to be. The bad news? The Clean Slate laws are a complicated mess. We can help you navigate the process.

Driver's License Restoration

The Secretary of State is looking for any little reason not to give you your driving privleges back. The solution? Don’t give them any little reason. We can help with that.

Firearm Rights Restoration

Let us guess: you miss hunting. Or you have a family now and want to protect them. But that felony conviction stands in the way. We can help you get your State of Michigan gun rights back.

Sex Offender Registry Removal

Only 15-year sentences should be 15-year sentences. Not so if you’re convicted of the most minor type of sex crime. In some cases, we can help you be free of this burden once and for all.

Pardons & Commutations

Not all convictions are expungeable. Not all sentences are able to be overturned. But there may be one more avenue for you: a pardon or commutation of sentence from the Governor. Hard to do, but doable. Let us help you through the process.