If you want different results, you need a different law firm.

If you look around on this website, you won't find any of the following:

  • a single gavel
  • pictures of musty old law books
  • the scales of justice (except on our logo of a badass, armor-clad, chain-breaking phoenix)
  • laughable stock photos
  • the firm owners’ faces plastered everywhere
  • that awful, cringey writing you find on other websites that are just trying to get the search engine’s attention.


Here are some other things that are different about us:

  • we hire people from all over the world because the world is a big place filled with a lot of talented people
  • we’re paperless (whenever the world lets us be paperless)
  • our office looks more like a podcast studio than a law firm
  • if the lawyers don’t have court, there’s a good chance you’re going to find us at the office in jeans or sweats
  • we try our damndest to talk like regular people.
And here's why we're different

It’s not by accident. And it’s not just because we’re antiauthoritarian weirdos (though that may play a factor).

We’re different by design because we think most law firms are pretty good at catering to two things: lawyers’ egos and a broken legal system.

Notice what’s not included in that short list: clients, the wellbeing of the team, and big-picture impact. That’s what we aim to optimize for.

Have we gotten everything exactly right? No, you may rest assured that we’re far from perfect. But we’re getting 1% better every day, and that adds up quick.

So why don’t you see our faces everywhere? Because it’s not about us. Why do we dress comfortably and occasionally have some fun at the office? Because and our work is stressful, and we’re in it for the long haul. We take care of the team so the team can take care of the clients. And together, we just might change the world.

Because if you want different sorts of results, you need a different sort of law firm.

Need some different results?

We’re guessing you do. Why else would you be looking through the website of a law firm whose whole thing is criminal appeals and second chances. Let’s see if we can do better for you than you got the last time around.