Sex Crimes Attorney in Michigan

If you’re facing sex crime charges or under investigation, consult with a skilled sex crimes attorney who understands the complexities of these cases.

Are you ready to OVERCOME?

sex crime

Sexual offenses are among the most serious allegations one can face, often resulting in significant legal consequences and societal stigma. These charges can include sexual assault, exploitation, and indecent exposure, each carrying severe penalties.

Even false accusations can have devastating effects on an individual’s reputation and personal life. If you are facing any sex crime charges, it is essential to seek legal representation immediately. A conviction can lead to harsh penalties, including prison time and mandatory sex offender registration.


Should I take a polygraph examination if accused of a sex crime in Michigan?

Taking a polygraph is not always the best option. Polygraph results are not admissible in court unless both parties agree to it. Additionally, polygraphs can be unreliable, and law enforcement may use failed results to pressure you into confessing. It’s essential to consult your attorney before agreeing to a polygraph.

They may recommend a private polygraph, which can be confidential, allowing you to control whether to use the results as part of your defense.

Prostitution and Solicitation

In Michigan, it’s possible to be charged with a sex crime even without concrete physical evidence like DNA or video footage. The law, specifically MCL 750.520h, allows charges based solely on the accuser’s testimony.

This means that the alleged victim’s word alone can be enough for charges to be filed, especially in cases where there is no physical evidence due to delayed reporting or other factors.

The strength of such a case often depends on witness credibility, and an experienced attorney can challenge these charges by highlighting inconsistencies or motives for false accusations.

Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC)

Michigan law categorizes Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) into four degrees based on severity, ranging from First Degree CSC (sexual penetration involving minors, force, or injury) to Fourth Degree CSC (involving sexual contact without penetration).

The penalties for CSC are severe, including lengthy prison terms and mandatory registration on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

Child Pornography / Child Sexually Abusive Material

Possessing, distributing, or creating child sexually abusive material is a serious crime in Michigan. Convictions can lead to lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, and mandatory registration on the sex offender list. The severity of charges often depends on the amount and nature of the material, as well as the role played in its production or distribution.

Child Molestation

Child molestation is a grave offense under First Degree CSC or Second Degree CSC depending on the facts of the case. These charges typically involve inappropriate sexual contact or penetration of a minor under the age of 13, or 13-15 years old with aggravating factors like a position of authority.

Statutory Rape

Statutory rape involves sexual activity with a person under the age of consent, which is 16 in Michigan. Even if the minor agrees to the sexual activity, it is illegal, and the adult can face severe charges.

In cases involving individuals aged 13-15, the charge is likely to be Second Degree CSC, while involvement with those under 13 can lead to First Degree CSC charges.

Sex Crimes Against Minors

This broad category includes offenses like child molestation, statutory rape, child pornography, and other inappropriate sexual conduct involving minors. Penalties vary, but many sex crimes against minors can lead to life imprisonment or significant time on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

Teacher Sex Abuse

Teachers, coaches, and other authority figures who engage in sexual acts with students can face charges under First, Second, or Fourth Degree CSC depending on the severity of the offense.

Michigan law treats sexual abuse by a person in authority harshly, with severe penalties including prison sentences, fines, and mandatory registration on the sex offender list.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault in Michigan generally refers to non-consensual sexual contact or penetration. It can be charged under First, Second, Third, or Fourth Degree CSC, depending on whether force, coercion, or incapacitation (such as the victim being unconscious) was involved.

Penalties can range from a few years to life imprisonment.

Indecent Exposure

Indecent exposure involves the willful exhibition of private parts in a public place or in front of another person. If the exposure is aggravated, such as in the presence of a minor, the penalties are much harsher.

Convictions can lead to fines, jail time, or in some cases, registration as a sex offender.

Prostitution and Solicitation

In Michigan, engaging in prostitution or soliciting sexual acts for money is illegal. Both individuals providing and soliciting services can face charges.

Depending on the circumstances, repeat offenses or solicitation involving minors can lead to more severe penalties, including mandatory sex offender registration.

We're prepared to help you build the strongest defense against sex crime charges, including:

  • Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Penetration
  • Internet Sex Crimes
  • Child Pornography/Child Abusive Activity
  • Criminal Sexual Conduct
  • Prostitution and Solicitation
  • Sex Crime Registration
  • Statutory Rape
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Child Molestation and Sexual Abuse
  • Sexual Assault
  • Stalking
  • Date Rape
  • PPO Violations
  • Sexting
  • Teacher Sex Abuse of a Student
  • Child Memory Issues
  • DNA Testing in Sex Crime Cases
  • Sex Crimes Against Minors


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